Disney's Tangled is a Ripoff of Barbie Rapunzel (In my opinion)
If you've never read the story of Rapunzel, or just want to read it again for context, here's the brothers Grimm version!
With that out of the way, let's go over how Tangled and Barbie Rapunzel both differ from the old fairytale.
There are many things in one of these movies, that are not in any of the older versions of the fairytale. Rapunzel's secretly a princess, kidnapped for a selfish reason. Instead of being interested in singing, she has an internet in art, specifically painting. Her paintings are what give her the chance to escape, and important plot points such as Rapunzel finding her real family hinge on it. She wears a purple dress, with pink accents.
Am I talking about Tangled, or Barbie Rapunzel?
Trick question! All of the above fit completely with both movies.

Disney was definitely aware of the Barbie movies before Tangled came out
Barbie had plans to release a Barbie: Sleeping Beauty movie, but hit a major roadblock after Disney trademarked the name, Princess Aurora, suddenly in 2007.
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