It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

After having the rights to Narnia for several years, Netflix has finally announced a date for the new reboot! I'm so freaking excited, I can't wait to see it. Especially since it hasn't been stated which book they're doing first, I wonder if they will do Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, or maybe the Magicians Nephew since it's never been made into a movie before? Either way I am ECSTATIC there's finally more Narnia news!

Click here for the source!

Biblical Parallels

Eustace is a Parallel to Paul

Throughout the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Eustace is very prominant. He starts out being whiney, and a jerk. He completely rejects the idea of Narnia, despite being in it. He doesn't care about Aslan. Partway through the story, he picks up an enchanted bracelet, which turns him into a dragon. This has a very big effect on him, with there being so many things he can't do when he isn't a human. It gives him a fresh perspective, and he realizes how much of a brat he had been the entire time, and that they are truly in a different world. He stays a dragon for three days, before having a dream/vision of Aslan helping him shed his dragon skin. He makes a complete turn-about after this.
This is similar to Paul, who persecuted the early church. It wasn't until he was on his way to Damascus, planning to imprison any Christians (who at the time, were called Followers of the Way. So cool!) that he came across. Jesus however, spoke to him and blinded him. He remained blind for three days, before God healed him through Ananais' prayer, and afterwards Paul became a very devout Christian.